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Youngstown : Featured Stories

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minority biomedical entrepreneurs teach and learn at first national conference in Cleveland

New biomedical companies are a source of growth in Ohio's high tech economy, yet currently, only a fraction of them are helmed by African-American and Latino entrepreneurs. The first ever Minority Biomedical Entrepreneurship Conference aims to connect minorities in Ohio to greater opportunities while also growing the state's biomedical workforce.

from wall street to main street: will equity-based crowdfunding help to grow ohio startups?

Equity-based crowdfunding will allow everyone the opportunity to become a venture capitalist. But is this a good thing? Remember the dot-com bubble that burst in the 1990s? Yet while crowdfunding brings a certain amount of risk, even skeptics say that it has the potential to bring an important source of new capital to Ohio. The emerging phenomenon could also empower a new class of investors.

collaboration in ohio aerospace industry leads towards global leadership

Ohio's aerospace industry is one of the strongest in the country, yet its continued prominence is by no means assured. In the past few years, fierce global competition, rapid industry change and a fragmented business sector were real threats to our ongoing success. Yet now, the newly-created Ohio Aerospace and Aviation Council is offering a unified voice for the industry and creating a platform for continued growth.

the new girls club: women entrepreneurs tap passion and perseverance across ohio

Even as women continue to rise in corporate leadership positions, studies show they're still underrepresented in high tech industries. Yet across Ohio, many women are now starting technology-focused companies, and this "new girls club" is playing an important role in driving our state's innovation economy. Along the route to success, they're also learning to define it on their own terms.

get on the bus: SXSW conductor greg svitak discusses ohio's high tech future

Recently, a group of self-proclaimed hackers, hustlers and hipsters traveled on a Startup Bus from Ohio to Austin, Texas for the South by Southwest Interactive conference. They had 72 hours to create a great product idea. Recently, hiVelocity caught up with Greg Svitak, the Bus Conductor, to talk about what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur and the growth of Ohio's tech community.

Youngstown land reuse setting national example for community revitalization

The quaint Idora neighborhood in Youngstown, Ohio, has been ravaged by the downtrodden economy. It's streets are like many in cities across America--the foreclosed houses outnumber the occupied by a significant margin. But Youngstown isn't taking the loss lying down; its community revitalization effort is starting to transform Idora and create a model for cities nationwide.

The Talent Dividend: How more college grads can add to Ohio's bottom line through its cities

What's the best thing a city can do to achieve more economic success? Increase its number of college graduates. The most prosperous cities have the highest number of college grads. Read how the Talent Dividend calculates just how much college degrees add to a city's bottom line--think billions--and why cities from Cleveland to Cincinnati are among the 57 cities competing for the million dollar prize to boost college attainment.

Crooner turns industry knowledge into streaming country startup

Country singer Jeff Best cuts a unique figure among Ohio's start-up entrepreneurs. Rather than sporting horn-rimmed glasses and a MacBook, the founder of CountryMusicRadio.com is just as likely to walk into his Youngstown Business Incubator office carrying a guitar and rocking a cowboy hat.

Craig Zamary's journey from kitchen table business to entrepreneur in residence

Craig Zamary's first foray into entrepreneurship began at his kitchen table in 1998. He was 24. He started his second company, Green Energy TV, at age 31. Today, the Youngstown native is teaching other young entrepreneurs about building businesses.

Shrinking right: How Youngstown is miles ahead of Detroit

Last month, Terry Parris Jr., a writer for Model D in Detroit, took a look at Youngstown and its northern neighbor -- two midwestern cities with similar industrial legacies. He found that while Youngstown and Detroit share common economic challenges, each has tackled its problems differently. We've republished Parris' look at Youngstown in this issue of hiVelocity.

Q&A: "Chief Evangelist" preaches the virtues of a revived Youngstown

Jim Cossler, an entrepreneurial expert, is chief executive officer of the Youngstown Business Incubator. He is also known as an "Chief Evangelist." His gospel? Spreading the good word about the growth and development of small businesses in the Youngstown area.

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