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Ohio State University Features

Ohio's supercomputer: 154 trillion calculations per second

A massive computer cluster housed in the Ohio Supercomputer Center operates at staggering speeds--and businesses large and small around the state are using the digital giant to break through technological barriers.

you've got talent: new online platform simplifies fine arts college admissions process

Derek Brown and Don Hunter both know something about the value of acceptance. They excelled in the Honors-PLUS program at the Carl Lindner H. College of Business at the University of Cincinnati with the help of critical scholarships. Last year, they also launched an online platform that helps fine arts administrators and applicants to simplify the college admissions process. They're living proof that the entrepreneurial ecosystem is alive and well across Ohio.

Fusing art and technology

The Fuse Factory makes digital beauty accessible for the masses through education and art space. If you haven't seen what this lab can do with technology and arts, you're missing out on something special.

The Talent Dividend: How more college grads can add to Ohio's bottom line through its cities

What's the best thing a city can do to achieve more economic success? Increase its number of college graduates. The most prosperous cities have the highest number of college grads. Read how the Talent Dividend calculates just how much college degrees add to a city's bottom line--think billions--and why cities from Cleveland to Cincinnati are among the 57 cities competing for the million dollar prize to boost college attainment.

Research giant Battelle flies under radar, but reach is worldwide

Despite its status as the world's largest independent research and development organization and the creator of such ubiquitous products as compact discs and UPC codes, few people understand what Battelle is or its importance to Ohio. 
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Ohio State University Founders

Shaul Weisband of Jifiti

Shaul Weisband of Jifiti

City: Columbus

Shaul Weisband is founder of Jifiti, a gifting platform for shoppers.

Anne Behner of Visual Impact Imaging

Anne Behner of Visual Impact Imaging

City: Youngstown

Anne Behner is founder of Visual Impact Imaging, a landscape design software developer.

Stephanie Smith of Beagle Bioproducts

Stephanie Smith of Beagle Bioproducts

City: Columbus

Stephanie Smith is founder of Beagle Bioproducts, a biological extraction company.

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