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Rosalie Giesel of 346 Stanley

Meet Rosalie Giesel, founder of 346 Stanley.

How did you come to be an entrepreneur?  

It started with a project in one of our entrepreneurship classes at the University of Cincinnati’s College of Business. We had to come up with an idea for a new business, product, or service and build a business plan around it. Although the class ended in December 2011, we felt that we had a marketable product and decided to continue on with its development by founding 346 Stanley LLC.

How did you come up the idea?

Some of my favorite perfume leaked from the bottle and onto my cell phone. I found that I loved smelling it every time I used my phone and even continued to spray it on the case when it began to wear off. That’s where the idea was born. I should mention that our original name for the product was Tek-Tak but when our lawyer researched it, we found that the name was already in use. We have since changed the product name to “Akscentz.”

What resources here did you take advantage of and how did they help?

We’ve had some great help from professors in the College of Business; they are all very supportive of us going forward and taking our product to market. Also, we’ve consulted with lawyers and professionals with expertise in launching new products.

What inspires you?

The thought of coming up with our own idea and actually taking it to market and making it a success inspires us. Seeing the hard work and passion of other entrepreneurs who have taken their ideas and turned them into something real; that is truly inspiring.

What’s next for you and your product?

Right now we are consulting with some experts who have experience in launching new products. We want to learn the best way to produce and market Akscentz. 

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