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Medical Research : Featured Stories

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Ohio's neurostimulation industry: on the brink of a breakout

After decades of cutting-edge research in neurostimulation therapy, Ohio's biomed industry is welcoming a variety of new companies and innovative devices. Relief for patients isn't far behind.

Health care innovations: good therapy for Ohio and beyond

From healing nectars to the amazing new world of genetic engineering, health care innovations in Ohio will nurture the most fragile patients.

entrepreneurs put cincy on the map for health care innovation

Cincinnati's thriving, bench-to-bedside health care ecosystem has nourished the success of many prominent startups, among them AtriCure, Blue Ash Therapeutics and AssureRx Health. These firms are growing the city's startup community, creating jobs and fostering the success of the entire region.

Skull Menders

Imagine if a traumatic event like a car accident fundamentally changed its shape (like shooting victim Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords). That kind of trauma has both a physical and aesthetic affect on the victim, and it takes many delicate surgeries to restore a person’s looks and healthy brain functioning. A growing Cleveland area startup OsteoSymbionics is working to improve that process, by developing a range of skull implants designed to help those recovering from skull trauma. 

OSU researching enzyme for use in biological attack

Ohio State University gets grant to research enzyme that could be used to protect humans in case of a biological attack.
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